Historic Preservation Commission
The Town of Brookville, platted in 1808 casts its light in East Central Indiana as a destination for those that admire its beautiful rolling hills and waterways while admiring the quaint nature of its historic buildings. One of the first nationally recognized historic districts with historic buildings from the mid 1800s to early 1900s to those that were built in the 70s. The entire Town of Brookville, bounded from the South where the East fork and West fork of the Whitewater River converge, further bounded by the East fork of the Whitewater River on the East and West fork of the Whitewater River to the West and then to state road IN 101 to the North, was designated as a Nationally recognized historic district in 1975, based off an application prepared by John H. Newman, who passed away on October 2, 2023.
As a part of the Preserving Main Street Pilot program, our historic community was awarded funds to continue the preservation of our historic facades in the downtown area, continuing the work that our ancestors had done to preserve our history. As a part of this pilot, the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) was established on December 28th, 2021 and a smaller, local historic district was created. The local Brookville Historic District is focused on Main Street, from 3rd Street to 10th Street and from Court Street/Church Street to Progress Street. Click here to download a map of our Local Historic District.
What is the Enabling Act? What guidelines allow an HPC to be established?
A local government in Indiana can adopt a historic preservation zoning ordinance that enables it to designate and protect properties of historical and architectural significance. Authority for such local legislation comes from state statute, often called an “enabling act”. Indiana’s enabling act was made law in 1967, under Indiana Code IC-36-7-11. Some forty cities, towns, and counties in Indiana have designated local historic districts and individual landmarks.
What are the benefits of living in an HPC?
- Protection of Historical Building Exteriors
- Tax Credits. To learn more click here.
- Grant programs
- Higher Property Values
How are members appointed?
The Commission consists of 7 voting members that are appointed by the Town Council. The commission members should include professionals in the disciplines of architectural history, planning, and other disciplines related to historic preservation, to the extent that those professionals are available in the community.
The commission shall be concerned with those elements of development, redevelopment, rehabilitation, and preservation that affect the visual quality in the historic district. However, the commission may not consider details of design, interior arrangements, or building features if those details, arrangements, or features are not subject to public view, and may not make any requirements except for the purpose of preventing development, alteration, or demolition in the historic district. In order to be appointed, appointees must reside within the Town of Brookville and should be interested in the preservation and development of historic areas.
2024 HPC members:
Debra Burkhart, Vice-Chairperson – Term 2024-2026
Rachel Vanoven, Member – Term 2024-2026
Rebecca Hamilton, Member – Term 2025-2027
Janet Tebbe, Member – Term 2023-2025
Cathy Pelsor, Member – Term 2023-2025
Victoria Meyer, Member – Term 2025-2027
Patricia Marmouze, Member – Term 2025-2027
When does the HPC meet?
Third Tuesday of each month (location subject to change) at 5:30 pm in the Town Municipal Building, 1020 Franklin Ave, except when no business is pending.
What is needed prior to proceeding with Exterior Renovation or New Construction?
When planning any new construction of a principal building or accessory building, a change in walls or fences or construction of walls or fence along public ways, the demolition of any building, a conspicuous change in the exterior appearance of historic as well as non-historic buildings by additions, reconstruction, alteration, or maintenance involving exterior color change will need a Certificate of Appropriateness before work can begin.
Where can I find the Certificate of Appropriateness application? What is needed to apply?
The application can be obtained at the Town Municipal Building or by downloading it from this website.
There is a $25.00 fee for the application, and it must be turned in on the first Tuesday of the month to be added to the HPC agenda.
What guidelines exist to help with submitting my application?
Historic Standards for the Town of Brookville Historic District are available by downloading from this website.
For additional questions, please contact Stevie Meyer of Indiana Landmarks, Brookville HPC Staff Member by emailing smeyer@indianalandmarks.org.